- Paecilomyces
Commonly found in soil and dust; less frequently in air. P. variotii can cause paecilomycosis. Linked to wood-trimmer's disease and...
- Papulospora
These fungi are found in soil, textiles, decaying plants, manure, and paper.
- Penicillium
Aw 0.78 - 0.88. A wide number of organisms have been placed in this genus. Identification to species is difficult....
- Periconia
Found in soil, blackened and dead herbaceous stems, leaf spots, grasses, rushes, and sedges. Almost always associated with other fungi....
- Perithecium
A fruiting body of a fungus in which some types of spores (including ascospores) are produced. (plural form: perithecia)
- Peronospora
These species are plant pathogens and the genus is one that causes downy mildews. Peronospora is very common and is...
- Phaeohyphomycosis
A hyphomycosis (infection by a mold of the taxonomic designation "Hyphomycetes") in which the infiltrating microbes are usually of the...
- Phoma
A common indoor air allergen that can cause hay fever, asthma, and a type of hypersensitivity pneumonitis commonly called "shower...
- Pithomyces
A native of mostly tropical environments, it commonly grows on dead plants, soil, wood, and especially the dead leaves and...